Inexpensive & Easy Energy Efficiency Installation – Must Have for Every Home
-Sabine takes you through a simple and inexpensive installation that should be in every home because it reduces drafts and…
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Garden Paradise – the Perfect Spa or Pool
-Image yourself here………Most people are familiar with (more…)
Faucet Failure – What you Need to Know
-Vessel sinks have invigorated bath sink and faucet product lines. Finally, there is something other than the same old under-mount…
“In Style” Bathroom Vanities from Catalogs – or NOT
-Today’s “in style” bathroom remodeling has a modern retro look. A big part of bathroom remodels are vanities with so-called…
Home Décor with Nature’s Patterns
-Can you believe this is ceramic floor tile? It just proves: Nature does it best. For years… (more…)
Posts tagged with ‘bath products’
Sabine's New House > bath products