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Smart Home Needs To Overcome the Gender Gap

Smart Home Needs To Overcome the Gender Gap
August 17, 2016 SNH Editorial Team
Smart Home Gender Gap

An report from Shelton Group in 2015 illustrated some of the market conditions that are impacting the smart home market. The biggest key takeaway? Women by and large are missing from the overall picture. But why is this?

For years it’s been a common fact that women are the primary purchasers of products for the home. But as smart devices and gadgets go more mainstream, Energy Pulse suggests that a matter of perception is to blame for the drop in interest.

“Let’s face it: if you’re selling a tech gadget, you had men at hello. It won’t surprise you to learn that men are significantly more likely than women to have tech toys like drones, virtual reality headsets and smartwatches. And they’re significantly more likely to consider themselves technophiles.” an excerpt from the report.

At Sabine’s New House, we think this can be easily bridged by the approach that companies take in their marketing efforts. Instead of focusing on the “cool” factors of tech that is tried and true with men, companies need to speak to the motivations that are key to women.

Shelton Group notes these motivations as; aesthetics, energy efficiency, savings, convenience, health, safety, and comfort. That’s why we often focus on these elements when we look at smart tech gadgets. It’s not about the latest gimmick, but how smart tech can improve our day-to-day life.

The first big winner appears to be devices that tap into energy-efficiency which equates to cost savings.

“We’ve uncovered a key piece of the marketing puzzle to help you connect with women: Energy efficiency is emerging as a driver for smart home tech.” another statement from the report.

Per the chart below it’s clear this evens out the interest path between men and women.

Chart from "The Smart Home Gender Gap" EnergyPulse report by the Shelton Group

Chart from “The Smart Home Gender Gap” EnergyPulse report by the Shelton Group