Do you have poorly lit staircases or other potentially hazardous spots on the outside of your house? It’s been on your to-do list but having to get an electrician to bring in power has stopped you. Fear no longer…
…today there are solar powered LED lights with motion sensors – a perfect little package.
You can adjust the sensitivity of the motion sensor and adjust the length of time the light stays on before shutting itself off automatically.
Select a security light with a longer cord between the fixture and the solar panel so that you can position the solar panel for maximum exposure to the sun. Shown in the photo is a light fastened to the north side of the house with the solar panel around the corner facing West. The afternoon sun loads the battery beautifully every day.
Be sure to select a light with 250 lumens or more since you want this kind of security light to be bright. Since it is LED no need to think about climbing up to replace light bulbs either. Just perfect!