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"I hate our Pool – My Hair looks Green and my Skin Itches"

"I hate our Pool – My Hair looks Green and my Skin Itches"
August 25, 2014 SNH Editorial Team

Oh no, it sounds like this reader still has a “regular” chlorine based pool… In “traditional” pools chlorine – lot’s of chlorine ! – is used to keep the pool clean of algae and bacteria.  Often you can even smell the chlorine and your skin never feels good.

Here are some choice observations from Wikipedia on chlorine:  

“In the upper atmosphere, chlorine-containing organic molecules such as chlorofluorocarbons have been implicated in ozone depletion.”

“Elemental chlorine at highconcentrations is extremely dangerous and poisonous for all living organisms, and was used in World War I as the first gaseous chemical warfare agent.”

So why would you want to swim in it???? There is a better way:

Switch over to a saltwater pool- or saltwater spa.   It is good for your body and good for the environment – Your body will tell you: Thank You!  You will never want to go back to chlorine- Guaranteed!

Your health and even your wallet will thank you.  What’s involved with a switch?  It’s simple.  For about $800-1200 your pool service company installs an electrolytic chlorine generator (ECG) and adds several bags of regular salt to your pool.  The ECG separates the pool water in two parts, one being a tiny amount of chlorine. AND THAT’S ALL THE CHLORINE NEEDED.  It’s a fraction of chlorine and, unlike most service companies, the ECG keeps chlorine levels steady.

Want more good news?  Since chlorine is expensive, you should recoup the cost of the ECG unit in a single pool season.

In my experience the salt cells inside the ECG last about 5 years.  Replacements cost add about $500. It’s that simple!

I have yet to find anyone who switched over to saltwater who went back to chlorine based pool water.  Experience the difference yourself! Here are some more details.

You will love your “new” healthy pool!