Daylight into Dark Corners
-Have a dark or dingy room, one with few or even without windows, in your house or office? If so,…
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Multi-task your Laundry Room
-Sabine takes you through a laundry room that has a lot of extra space that is just collecting junk. She…
Light Bulbs – The way to Your Smart Home?
-Turning your home a smart home may start with a smart light bulb. CES 2015 was abuzz with so many products…
Test Results – Fireplace Starter Logs
-…just in time for roaring fires. Do starter logs work? Here are some need- to-know findings… (more…)
Weather Alert – Prepare your Pipes !!!
-With temperatures in the single digits there is no room for error. Any slight draft in an exterior wall can…
What do to with the Christmas Tree? Recycle it!
-Sending your Christmas tree to the tree grave yard is a sad scene post every Christmas. Once the needles start…