Drums that add health and power to your garden… What are they? Every gardener wants a fabulous healthy garden and is no stranger to buying fertilizer and compost to make flowers grow and produce enviable vegetables. Yet we have all the components of our good green food right in our own kitchen. Much like recycling regulations around the country, composting may just change your next kitchen design….
Peelings from apples to zucchini, celery, cucumbers and carrots ends – think about this green powerhouse. Forget dumping it down the garbage disposal and adding nitrogen content to our waterways. We don’t need another algae bloom (think of the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico as big as New Jersey, from excessive nitrogen runoff down the Mississippi and everywhere else!). Everything that we waited another day to eat and that day has sadly gone by can be added to your outdoor compost pile or indoor “wormery” for later use in soil improvement.
We are now enjoying “falling leaves” – a real central component with grass clippings and end of season annuals to build your compost heap.
Purchase a barrel and crank your compost into soil – barrel sizes range from 30 pounds to 180 pounds – green building products with the power to generate health for your garden. There many offered online!
Is there a horse riding school in your area? Horse manure has more nitrogen than cow manure and is great for the garden, while chicken dropping are rich in minerals mixed into the compost. Don’t add the dog poop though! (don’t miss soon-to-come article on “Doggy Loos)
Composting keeps the soil more drought free, capturing liquid and producing plants and crops healthy and disease resistant.
I remember visiting my Minnesota Swedish farmer relatives who could get mighty testy about petroleum based fertilizer “It kills the earthworms and all good living things in the soil!” – They composted and rotated crops and felt that the earth was alive and wanted to keep it that way.
Composting reduces landfills and prevents excessive nitrogen runoffs into our water supplies. Even coffee grounds, newsprint and paper can be added to compost. Recycling paper, newsprint, cardboard and plastic of all sorts combined with composting habits may make regular garbage pick up obsolete.
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